Global training & certification: is it possible?
The IACDS Annual Convention 2023 brought with it a handful of ideas. One of the most important was the proposition of a global training and certification scheme!
This presentation took place during the IACDS Annual Convention 2023. It was carried out by Mr. Joel Vinsant, from DSA & Mr. Jose Blanco, General Secretary of IACDS.
The main purpose of this scheme is to promote industry services through the professional route of a recognised skilled workforce. This should be done by sharing a common training and qualification platform.
This would result in different benefits, such as being backed by an international awarding body with one unified standard qualification, global certification and card scheme. This project would also promote the collaboration amongst contractors, suppliers and manufacturers from all around the world.
For that purpose, each country would establish practical training venues and set up assesment centeres, thus assuring quality control. Then, every country would report to the international hub, created by the IACDS.
As the speakers express in their presentation:
“The threat of not moving forward is already taking place with rental/hire companies supplying drilling and sawing equipment to untrained and in-competent personnel which increases accident statics and reduces the professional image of our industry. Is it time to protect our proud and successful industry.”
So, keep an eye on the IACDS and its associates’ website: there might be some news about this project soon!