Get involved


IACDS offers different options to get involved:

The International Association of Concrete Drillers & Sawers, IACDS, is the organization representing the associations, companies, and professionals of the concrete drilling and sawing industry around the globe.

  • IACDS has a strong focus on providing an international union with the cooperation of trade Associations.
  • To look after, promote and protect the interests of the industry.
  • To set and promote international standards on the development of professional drilling and sewing contractors and their methods.
  • To be involved in and have an impact on drilling & sawing legislation.
  • To exchange information on techniques, working methods, and training.
  • To maintain contacts with similar organizations in other parts of the world.





What does IACDS do?

What are our objectives?

IACDS has amongst others the following objectives:

  • To look after, promote and protect the interests of the drillers and sawers industry all over the world;
  • To set and to promote worldwide standards on drilling and sawing techniques;
  • To be involved in and have an impact on health and safety legislation;
  • To exchange information on techniques, working methods, and training.

These are some of the publication you can enjoy as a member

Guide on Safe Use of Diamond Segmented Tools

Guide about Slurry Management in concrete cutting

Interested in becoming member or partner? Contact us!

To contact IACDS, please fill in and submit the following form.