Diamond Award 2016

Consult the special magazine of the Diamond Award 2016

This magazine contains the winner works and jobs in the 2016 edition of the event


Job: “Pendulum drilling for monitoring the Emosson dam”

Company: Diamantbohr Group

Country: Switzerland

Website: www.diamantbohr.ch/de



Job: “Demolition of Ro-Ro ramp at the Mahon’s harbor”

Company: Thayr Demolición Técnica S.L.U

Country: Spain

Website: www.thayr.es



Job: “Cutting of bored piles Ø 1300 mm, 15 m under the water level”

Company: Diatec Betonspezialabbruch GmbH

Country: Germany

Website: www.diatec-berlin.de