Diamond Award 2013


The Diamond Award 2013 was delivered in the frame of the Trade fair Bauma in Munich, Germany, on 19th of April, 2013.


General guidelines

General guidelines of the Diamond Award 2013


First prize


Job: Opening 99 holes (2,50 x 5,00 x 0,50 meters), on the side of the box girders that form the dock in the port of Castellón.

Presented by: Talls, Forats i Ancoratges, S.L. (Spain)


Second prize


Job: Underwater demolition of 4 provisional piers of the A-44 Guadalfeo viaduct cutting each pier with diamond wire at a level of -20m below the water level, and sinking the piers in the reservoir.

Presented by: Thayr S.L. (Spain)


Third prize


Job: Removal of the concrete slab from the existing bridge in the urban area with heavy traffic.

Presented by: Marutatsu Road Co. Ltd (Japan)